Children's BrassWind
Barnas BrassWind (BBW) was held for the first time in 2022 and is a unique opportunity for children and young people where they both create and perform new music.
BBW features different participants each year and can have various configurations and ensemble forms, but it is always the children and young people who take center stage. What makes this festival unique is that it also offers young people the chance to participate in the creative processes, allowing them to create new music themselves. Participants take an active role in composing and get to experience firsthand what it's like to create music from scratch and be involved in the entire process up to the premiere performance at the festival. All educational projects are led by educators and skilled instructors. Being an active participant in the creative process provides a unique opportunity for personal development and a sense of accomplishment. In addition, experimental and unconventional methods are often used, which participants may not have encountered before. Like the rest of the BrassWind festival, the audience is exposed to "different" concerts where the programming offers experiences not typically available.
In addition to the obvious personal benefits of being an active participant in BBW, the project also has positive long-term effects. The festival aims to increase interest in new Norwegian music, experimental art, and promote a richer cultural life. BBW is a win-win project that provides the local community with a product not otherwise available in the region, while also renewing audiences and strengthening interest in new music in general.
An important principle is that the projects should be free of charge for participants.